Monday, November 22, 2010


It came to me during the summer solstice that the practice I should create to remember - to honor - my quest experience should be called a SOULstice. In knowing that a solstice occurs twice a year when the sun is at its farthest point from the celestial equator (in June and December), I find it fitting that my quest - my third birth - is in June, and December is the ritual remembrance of the inspiration for my second birth - the birth of Jesus Christ.

It is in this line of thinking that I have come to understand that soulstice is the ecopsychological practice that I am creating to help people return to balance when they find themselves far from their spiritual or celestial center. Soulstice is important because "it is sometimes necessary to go to her [the Earthly Mother], to fast, and be alone with her, so that we can fully remember the kin relationship between our bone and her stone, our blood and her rivers, our flesh and the body of nature" (Foster & Little, 1980, 1987, 1988, p. 24).

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